'Bob Waldron' Tagged Posts

'Bob Waldron' Tagged Posts


SOME BENEFITS OF SUFFERING There is no problem in life more universal, more common, and more unique than that of suffering.  It is the common malady of mankind; if we live long enough, we will experience some type or degree of suffering.  It is not my purpose in this article to discuss the source or origin of suffering.  While it is a baffling question, many good articles and tracts have been written to explain this problem and they can be…

SOUND WORDS, JAN. 28, 2024

BUY THE TRUTH AND SELL IT NOT One of the most important attitudes one can have in striving to go to heaven is that of intense zeal for the truth of God. Too often, people settle on something far less than the truth. Remember, a counterfeit, though it may look relatively genuine, is nevertheless worthless. Likewise, we cannot enjoy the benefits of truth just by getting pretty close. We must take our position firmly and foursquare on the truth. “Ye…
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