'Sewell Hall' Tagged Posts
SOUND WORDS, NOV. 19, 2023
CHRIST, EXAMPLE OF HUMILITY If anyone ever had a good reason not to be humble it was Jesus. He was superior in every way to everyone around Him and He had no fault or weakness of which to be ashamed. Yet, scripture holds Him before us as the ultimate example of humility. Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by…
THE ROAD TO ROME With the death of Paul VI, in the recent past, the world was once again treated to the spectacle of the burial and replacement of a pope. And what a spectacle it was! As we watched the televised pomp and pageantry of what was billed as a “simple funeral service,” we found it difficult to conceive that all of this was supposed to be in fulfillment of the will of the One who said: But be not…
LOVE FINDS A WAY All Christians want to bring the lost to Christ. But each of us has some handicap which causes us to feel limited in our ability to do so. It may be a weakness of knowledge or difficulty in expressing ourselves. Perhaps it is a personality deficiency or even a lack of transportation. Whatever it may be, we tend to feel that it excuses us from responsibility. Actually, our most debilitating handicap is a lack of zeal.…