Sound Words (Page 39)

Sound Words (Page 39)

Sound Words, July 29, 2018

Dealing with a Diotrephes By Paul R. Blake “I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, does not receive us. Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words. And not content with that, he himself does not receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, putting them out of the church” (3John 9-10). Many congregations have one; you know, a…

Sound Words, July 22, 2018

Life’s Little Lessons XIX The Heroic Dimension “Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Matt. 16:24). Three military recruiters showed up to address high school seniors. Each recruiter, representing the Army, Navy, and Marines, was given fifteen minutes to speak. The Army and Navy recruiters got carried away, so when it came time for the Marine to speak, he had just two…

Sound Words, July 15, 2018

Jesus the Common Man By Kent Heaton             “He has no form or comeliness; and when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him” (Isa. 53:2). The Son of God is the express image of the glory of the Father. There are no words in the language of men that can fully comprehend what God looks like and the glory of His presence. To consider that Jesus dwelt with the Father and became flesh is beyond…

Sound Words, July 8, 2018

What Parents Can Do For Their Children Parents can give you life, but they cannot live that life for you. Parents can buy you lovely things, but they cannot make you lovable. Parents can give you some good advice about your friends, but they cannot choose good friends for you. Parents can give you their love, but they cannot force you to accept it. Parents can give you direction, but they cannot always be there to lead you. Parents can…

Moments Wisdom – July 8, 2018

A Moments Wisdom –A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring his students with a desire to learn is hammering cold iron. –It is fortunate that in this country we have freedom of speech, but it is unfortunate that the supply usually exceeds the demand. –How much easier it is for some to critical than to be correct. –Treat arguments like weeds, nip them in the bud. –If you are waiting around for something to turn up, why don’t…

Moments Wisdom – July 1, 2018

A Moments Wisdom — Money will buy a bed but not sleep, books but not brains, food but not an appetite, medicine but not health, luxury but not culture, amusement but not happiness, a crucifix but not a Savior, a house of worship but not a home in heaven. — To make a day full and pleasant, we need five things: plenty of work to do, a purposeful hope in life, someone to love, a period of relaxation, and a…

Sound Words, July 1, 2018

He Takes Thought of Me By Kent Heaton           “But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinks upon me. You are my help and my deliverer; do not delay, O my God” (Psalm 40:17). There are a lot of things on the mind of God. It is an incredible volume of knowledge that is contained within the spirit of the Creator as He thinks upon all He has created. The universe is held together…

Moments Wisdom – June 24, 2018

A Moments Wisdom –Everyone is criticizing and belittling the times. Yet I think that our times, like all times, are very good times, if only we know what to do with them. –Regardless of how educated, confident, and ambitious you are, you will not reach your potential without simple, basic honesty. And the first person you have to be honest with is yourself. –If you are a self-starter at work, your boss won’t be a crank. –Fathers who take their…
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