Sound Words (Page 37)
Moments Wisdom – October 14, 2018
A Moments Wisdom –Yes, Christians are going to a special place when they die, but they need to make sure their lives are special while here. –The most difficult thing to keep to yourself is your opinion. –The surest way to go broke is to sit around waiting for a break. –To love the whole world is not hard; the problem is in trying to love the guy next door. –A perfect marriage is not when a perfect couple comes…
Sound Words, October 7, 2018
Life’s Little Lessons XXV Remembering the Sermon “Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him” (John 6:27). Several years ago the British Weekly printed a letter to the editor: “Dear Sir: I notice that ministers seem to set a great deal of importance on their sermons and spend a great deal of time…
Sound Words, September 30, 2018
Keeping Watch We are not as familiar with the concept of keeping watch as were previous generations. Construction techniques and materials have made our lives more secure. Hi-tech cameras and sensors monitor our country, businesses, homes and even the baby’s crib. Technology has certainly reduced the human effort required but has in no wise eliminated the need for this essential function. We must keep watch against foreign invaders, homegrown terrorists, domestic criminals of all sorts, politicians, a multitude of natural…
Moments Wisdom – September 30, 2018
A Moment’s Wisdom “I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.” This anonymous Quaker Proverb was published in Household Words: A Weekly Journal. The year was 1859. It beautifully expresses a truth that Jesus recognized and defined approximately 1830 years prior.…
Sound Words, September 23, 2018
Life’s Little Lessons XXIV Three Crosses “Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.’ But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, ‘Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.’ Then he said to Jesus, ‘Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.’…
Sound Words, September 16, 2018
Am I Robbing God? By Ken Fleeman King David is described as a man after God’s own heart. As David contemplated his blessings as king he realized that he lived in a cedar house while God “lived” in a tent. The inequity weighed on David, so he purposed to build God a house. God had never asked for a house, yet He ultimately allowed it. David laid up treasures and supplies to build the temple. Solomon also provided abundantly for…
Moments Wisdom – September 16, 2018
A Moments Wisdom –Good timber and good men do not grow with ease; the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees. –Knowledge humbles the great man, astonishes the common man, and puffs up the little man. –The goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think together. –A thing moderately good is not as good as it should be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue, but moderation in morality is always a vice. –Failure seldom stops you.…
Sound Words, September 09, 2018
Life’s Little Lessons XXIII Only One Citizen “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32). The King of Abyssinia once took a British subject named Cameron prisoner and incarcerated him in the high fortress of Magdala. No cause was assigned for his confinement. When Great Britain found out, she demanded an immediate release for her citizen. King Theodore refused. Within ten days after the refusal was received, ten thousand…