Moments Wisdom – August 5, 2018

Moments Wisdom – August 5, 2018

–The best way to understand the difficult parts of the Bible is to first read and obey the easy parts.
–I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.
–All people love those who love them. It is unique that Christians love those who hate them.
–When you are in the right, you can afford to hold your temper. When you are in the wrong, you can’t afford to lose it.
–More souls are won for Jesus Christ by a godly example and good deeds than by a wordy argument.
–Some people have hundred acres of potential but only a half-acre of it planted.
–How can one say he believes in Jesus Christ if he does not do what Jesus commands him?
–Don’t give until it hurts; give until it feels good.
–Advice for preachers: make sure you finish preaching before your audience has finished listening.
–If you don’t enjoy what you have, how could you be happier with more?
–The way to heaven is to turn right and go straight.
–Virtue is not secure against the envious. Many people will criticize and diminish what they are unwilling to make the effort to imitate.
–Any relationship where you put yourself first cannot last.

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