Moments Wisdom – November 5, 2017

Moments Wisdom – November 5, 2017

  • Humility does not mean that you think less of yourself. It means that you think of yourself less.
  • When you are right, you can afford to keep your temper. When you are wrong, you can’t afford to lose it.
  • If we could trace our ancestors back far enough, we would learn that all servants come from princes and all princes come from servants. (Seneca)
  • To solve the equation of human relationships, we need to do the math: add love, subtract hate, multiply good, and divide truth from error.
  • Typically men who are brutally honest tend to enjoy the brutality more than the honesty.
  • The reason that resisting temptation is so difficult is that many people are afraid of discouraging it completely.
  • Here is the test to determine whether the work God has given you in this world is finished: if you are alive, it isn’t.
  • Here is the test to determine whether you are an optimist or pessimist: read this line — OPPORTUNITYISNOWHERE. Did you read this as “Opportunity is nowhere,” or, “Opportunity is now here”?
  • When fleeing temptation, do not leave a forwarding address.
  • The less we speak of our greatness, the more others will think of it.
  • Trying times are not the times to stop trying.
  • One marker of maturity is the ability to be comfortable with people who are not like us.
  • No one seems to appreciate the value of constructive criticism more thoroughly than the one who is giving it.
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