'Sound Words' Tagged Posts (Page 21)

'Sound Words' Tagged Posts (Page 21)

Sound Words


Seasons: Winter To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV). Winter is often the least preferred of all the seasons. However, it is one of the most beneficial. Winter provides a period of rest for the earth. The ground lies fallow and absorbs nutrients from decaying summer growth. It slowly drinks in the melting snows, filtering and storing the fresh waters that sustain life. Birds migrate south while some creatures hibernate to…
Sound Words


SEASONS: Autumn To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV). Harvest marks the end of summer and transition to autumn. Days are a little shorter and the evenings a bit cooler. Sweaters, flannel shirts and hot chocolate are comforts in the long evenings. Bonfires make the perfect social setting. Green fades from the leaves and is replaced with a spectacular display of red, gold, orange and brown. All seasons speak in testimony…
Sound Words


SEASONS: SPRING To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV). The passing of spring yields to the warmth and productivity of summer. Preparation and planting over, now comes the tending of crops as they grow. A garden left untended, just like a soul left untended, is soon choked out by weeds or withers without supplemental watering. Nature provides a powerful example of the diligence required to sustain life. Go to the ant,…
Sound Words


Seasons: Spring To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted; A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up; A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance; A time to cast away…
Sound Words


Building Basics: Routine Maintenance The best way to preserve a structure is routine maintenance. Ignoring minor issues allows them to grow into major issues. That leaking shingle will allow water in to saturate the drywall on your ceilings. Loose siding is a pathway for moisture to penetrate walls, resulting in the perfect environment for termites and rot. Cracked mortar around a foundation block will allow water into the basement. All tiny issues but they provide a conduit for your home’s…
Sound Words


Building Basics: Level and Plumb Having good plans and a site with solid footing, the home builder can begin to construct the walls that complete the foundation. In our cold climate it is customary to pour a footer below the frost line and use concrete blocks to build a wall that forms either a crawl space or a basement. Placement of the first block in the first corner is crucial. As the blocks are placed, they must be perfectly level…
Sound Words

SOUND WORDS, February 7, 2021

Building Basics: A Solid Foundation Countless hours of my high school years were spent in the drafting lab. After the obligatory twelve weeks of mechanical drawing freshman year, I immersed myself in architectural drawing for the balance of available shop and study periods. It is gratifying to create a set of plans from footer to final elevation. That pales to the satisfaction of having an enduring structure built based on those plans. Sadly, many grand structures fail because of an…
Sound Words


Lessons from 2020: Fellowship is Precious Pondering all the difficulties imposed by pandemic over the previous year, the greatest loss appears to be that of fellowship in public worship. Never have we been more isolated from each other as saints. The separation does teach profound lessons. We can now empathize with the plight of the sick, the elderly and the shut-in. We can identify with the discouraged and weary. We can truly appreciate the blessing of fellowship. Each return to…
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