'Sound Words' Tagged Posts (Page 19)

'Sound Words' Tagged Posts (Page 19)

Sound Words


Prayers of David David may well be the ideal example of how to pray. His prayers range in content from absolute despair to unbridled praise of God. David rose from the position of lowly shepherd to King of Israel. His life was filled with work, music, fear and excitement. He went from sleeping on the ground to absolute luxury. He experienced difficulties in many forms. Dangerous animals threatened the flocks in his care. David’s older brothers did not respect him…
Sound Words


Hannah’s Prayer We often fail to pray until we feel a desperate need even though we have the privilege of constant access to God. Many times, our desperation is the result of our own poor decisions. In such cases it is indeed appropriate to appeal to God. Simon was told to repent and to pray for forgiveness. (Acts 8:22) We must understand and accept that forgiveness does not usually mean escaping consequence. “For what credit is it if, when you…
Sound Words

SOUND WORDS, July 4, 2021

Prayer Prayer is a powerful form of communication. The power of prayer does not come from the language in which it is spoken. The power of prayer does not come from the eloquence of the speaker. The power of prayer lies in the relationship between man and God. It is only God to whom it is permissible to pray, and only God has the power to answer prayer. God conversed directly with Adam in the Garden of Eden. One such…
Sound Words


SOUND WORDS, JUNE 27, 2021 It is pure coincidence that as I pen this article my own daughter is diligently preparing for her pending marriage. Few roles in life create as much anxiety or as much excitement as that of being a bride. The analogy of the church as a bride begins early in the New Testament. John the Baptist refers to himself as the friend of the bridegroom. He was obviously referring to Jesus. “You yourselves bear me witness,…
Sound Words


The Church is a Body The church is compared to the human body. A body is the physical structure or form of a human that includes bone, flesh, and organs. These intricate components are assembled in such a way to give the body strength and flexibility. King David marveled at the human form and rightly praised its designer. “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.…
Sound Words


The Church Has Been Purchased The church, the body of faithful believers in God, is unique in that God has adopted us to be His children. The apostle Paul addressed the saints at Ephesus and cited their spiritual blessings in Christ. As saints, they were chosen to be holy and blameless. He mentions their adoption by God. It was by Christ that they were made acceptable. Christ also afforded them redemption and forgiveness of sins. These blessings were not miraculous,…
Sound Words

SOUND WORDS, June 6, 2021

The Church is the “Called Out” The church, in its simplest form, is an assembly of persons. If fact, the root meaning of assembly is “called out”. That could be any group of citizens called out from their homes into a public meeting. God has issued a calling for believers. We are called to be saints in one body of believers. To the church of God which is at Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to…
Sound Words


The Christian is a Priest A priest is a religious leader with the authority to perform rites or rituals. Priests offer sacrifices and communicate with Deity. We most often associate priesthood with the Mosaic Law. Under the Mosaic Law, priests were authorized to burn incense, make certain sacrifices, and anoint persons or objects for holy purposes (Numbers 4:16). They even acted as medical examiners (Leviticus 14). The role of priest predates the law of Moses. Offerings were made to God…
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