'Sound Words' Tagged Posts (Page 18)

'Sound Words' Tagged Posts (Page 18)

Sound Words


A Self-made Man Benjamin Franklin is the quintessential “self-made man.” He was a successful inventor, scientist, musician, and author. In his spare time, he helped found a country and then serve as her diplomat. Not bad for a kid who was born into a poor family and only receiving two years of formal schooling. The key to Franklin’s success was his drive to constantly improve himself and accomplish his ambitions. Early on in his life, Ben Franklin set a goal:…
Sound Words


Preparation Life takes unexpected turns. We respond in disbelief and typically observe that we were not prepared for the situation. It is difficult to prepare for the unknown. After all, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” It is impossible to prepare for every possibility. God does not want man to live in a constant state of worry about the trivial aspects of living. “Then He said to His disciples, “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your…
Sound Words

SOUND WORDS, Sept 5, 2021

God is not a Republican Sometimes we have to write what we ourselves need to hear. So here it is, for me as much as anyone. God is not a Republican. And what’s more, I don’t think Jesus would be, if he were here today. Nor a Democrat either.  Before I go further, please understand I am NOT saying we shouldn’t vote, or join a political party, or be a responsible citizen, or hold office, or try in all the…
Sound Words


Knowing This Knowledge is empowering. The simple recall of knowledge may be useful if one were to be a contestant on Jeopardy. Otherwise, the true power of knowledge is in the application. This is especially true of God’s word. When mixed with faith, God’s word provides access to eternal life. Knowledge that is not put into practice has no benefit. “For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did…
Sound Words


It Is Not Easy Being Told, It Is Not Easy Telling How would you describe children? Your children? What is remarkable about children? One that gets overlooked is their innate honesty. I call it brutal honesty. This honesty makes for some memorable situations, embarrassing and hilarious at the same time. Mine can’t hold back. It is not that they are nit-picky to be overly critical, I think it is just who they are, who most kids are. “Dad, you got…
Sound Words


Growing: For the Better? Growth is a progression. We typically think of growth in a positive sense. Plants, puppies, and children start out small and grow up. We like to see our savings account grow. God wants to see our faith grow and so should we. However, not all growth is for the better. We often refer to aging as “growing old”. Our senses dim and our strength fades. The world in which we presently reside is also aging. God…
Sound Words


Growing: Grace and Knowledge Peter wrote a second letter to his brethren for the purpose of reminding them of certain truths. Foremost, judgment is coming, and the world will be destroyed. God is patient. That does not mean that He will not keep His word despite what critics say. God’s patience is not a reason to disbelieve, it is an opportunity for us to be saved. “You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from…
Sound Words


Growing: Consider the Lilies Growing is a natural process. Growth is the progression in size and maturity of living things. Growth requires fuel, an intake of nutrients and water. For people the securing and preparation of food is a priority. For plants the process appears to be passive. Mankind tends to look to future provision with trepidation. Those unfounded fears arise when we forget that it is God who provides. Yes, we are intimately invested in the process, but we…
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