'Moments Wisdom' Tagged Posts (Page 5)
Moments Wisdom – April 22, 2018
A Moments Wisdom –An abundance of words does not constitute proof. –To be interested in and to appreciate the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. –The prompter the refusal, the less the disappointment. –A man must first learn to govern himself before he can govern a family; he must learn to govern a family before he is fit to bear the government of a commonwealth. –The future is the time…
Moments Wisdom – April 15, 2018
A Moment’s Wisdom –We usually admire the other fellow more after we have tried to do his job. –The liquor vendor is a businessman who is ashamed of his best customers. –Often the chains of bad habits are too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. –Gossip always seems to travel fastest over grape-vines that are more sour. –Where one goes hereafter depends largely upon what one goes after here. –A breath of truth with…
Moments Wisdom – April 8, 2018
A Moments Wisdom –It is a poor plan that cannot be changed. –You are not responsible for the disposition you are born with, but you are responsible for the one you die with. –I am not young enough to know everything. –He who would learn only from himself has a fool for a teacher. –We are as close to the ears of God when in prayer, as we are to the commandments of God when reading His word. –We often…
Moments Wisdom – April 1, 2018
A Moments Wisdom –“Adapt yourself to the things among which your lot has been cast, and love sincerely the fellow creatures with whom you have been destined to live.” (Marcus Aurelius) –“We have become so addicted to pleasure that we won’t eat ordinary food or drink weak or stale liquids; we must have the best food and drink for our bodies, while our souls feed on empty and rotting things.” (William Penn, 1644-1718) –Our birth makes us mortal; our death…
Moments Wisdom – March 18, 2018
A Moments Wisdom on Goodness –Saul Bellow… A man is only as good as what he loves. –Pearl S. Buck… When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, the evil men prevail. –Charles Lamb… The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident. –Abraham Lincoln… Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who know me best, that I have always…
Moments Wisdom – March 11, 2018
A Moments Wisdom –People who say it cannot be done should stop interrupting those who are doing it. –Changing fashions is the tax the garment industry imposes on the vanity of the rich. –Most people who seek for you advice are actually looking for praise. –To profit from good advice sometimes requires more wisdom than to give it. –Those who don’t read are no different from those who can’t read. –The important thing is not so much that every child…
Moments Wisdom – February 25, 2018
A Moments Wisdom –So much has been given to me, I have no time to think about the things denied to me. (Helen Keller) –A wolf will gladly hire himself out cheaply as a shepherd. –Happy is harder than money. Anyone who thinks money will make him happy hasn’t got any money. –It is better to suffer injustice than to commit it. –When we die we leave behind all that we have and take with us all that we are.…
Moments Wisdom – February 18, 2018
A Moments Wisdom –If you set out to keep the Word of God, it will also keep you. –Patience is the ability to count down before blasting off. –The way to get anywhere is to start from where you are. –No one finds life worth living; he must make it worth living. –Christ established His church to save sinners, not to serve dinners. –Nothing sets a person so much out of the devil’s reach as humility. –Some people are like…