Sound Words (Page 9)
Weekly Bulletin Articles
SOUND WORDS, NOV. 12, 2023
ABIDE IN CHRIST Have we ever left a dinner plate out overnight, putting off the need to wash and clean it for the next morning? If there was one chore I disliked growing up, it was doing dishes. Now, I’ll do them, but I won’t be happy about it. Should you ever catch me standing in front of a sink with my rubber gloves on, don’t let the smile fool you as its presence is simply holding back the tears.…
ONE LAST VERSE Throughout my life, there was a series of verses that I identified as “my verse”. These were verses that, in some way, exemplified me or what I needed to become. I kept II Timothy 2:24-25 on my bathroom mirror for years because I needed the reminder. Later, I took great encouragement from the promise of Matthew 5:6. Now that my life is over, one last verse has become mine, though really it is not my verse but yours. It is Hebrews…
SOUND WORDS, OCT. 29, 2023
WORTHY OF WORSHIP “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve” (Matt. 4:10; Luke 4:8). Jesus responded to Satan’s temptation in this manner, making it clear that only [Yahweh] is worthy of worship ([Yahweh] is the name of the God of the Hebrews — see Ex. 3:1-18; Deut. 6:13). Why [Yahweh] God alone is deserving of this level of respect and adoration is clearly announced in John’s vision of the heavenly throne (Rev. 4). In that spectacular scene…
SOUND WORDS, OCT. 22, 2023
THOUGHTS ABOUT LIFE Solomon was the wisest man of his age. When he was but a young man and had just ascended to the throne of his father, God appeared to him in Gibeon and said, “Ask what I shall give thee.” Solomon, showing that he was a wise man even then, said, “Give me an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad…” (I Kings 3:1-ff). God did according to His word…
SOUND WORDS, OCT. 15, 2023
WHEN ONE OPINION MATTERS Sports fan or not, most people have heard the name Babe Ruth. For years this man has been considered one of this best to ever play the game of baseball. Not my personal opinion, but it is the opinion shared by many fans of baseball. And again, most people are familiar with the name. But I dare to say most people have never heard the name Babe Pinelli. Pinelli was also a profession baseball player from…
THE GOD WHO LEADS AND LISTENS The question was asked “What would you rather have, a God who listens or a God who speaks?” Should one answer that question with a desire to have the former, that is a God who listens, we can conclude that such an individual probably has a greater desire to be heard than to be taught. It could be argued that this person is self-centered, wanting a God who is going to do nothing more…
Compassion: A QUALITY OF GOD FOR US TO IMITATE The book of Lamentations is not exactly the most “upbeat” book in the Bible. In fact, it’s quite depressing…because in it, the author laments bitterly over Judah’s lost condition in Babylonian captivity. Yet, sad as it is, the writer also has something positive to say! He emphatically affirms, “The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness” (3:22-23). You might…
THE HERO AMONG US During marine basic training a drill instructor wanted to perform a bravery test among the recruits. He took a pine cone, threw it in the midst of them and yelled, “Grenade!” Every single one of the trainees immediately turned away from the grenade and hit the ground. In response to the actions of the marines, the drill instructor said “Just as I suspected, not a hero among you. Didn’t anyone want to jump on that grenade…