Sound Words (Page 8)

Sound Words (Page 8)

Weekly Bulletin Articles


SMALL INCREASES OVER TIME I had just handed my newborn son over to my wife so I could grab our oldest son (who fell asleep on the couch) and put him in his bed. This is something I’ve always done from the time our oldest was very young. Anytime he fell asleep on the couch after we watched a movie, had a family game night, or something along those lines, the tradition has been for me to pick him up…


JUST THE WAY IT GOSE (GOES) 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.      —Galatians 1:8 10 I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment. —1 Corinthians 1:10 Consider…

SOUND WORDS, DEC. 24, 2023

STRENGTHENING WEAKNESS I try to be a well-rounded musician. I seek influence from many different genres. Although I listen to all types of music, I definitely have a comfort zone when it comes to what I can play. For example, in order to play a “simple” jazz standard I would have to essentially relearn how to play the guitar. I would have to learn new complex chords, new strumming patterns, and (worst of all) learn basic music theory. Sure, music…

SOUND WORDS, DEC. 17, 2023

OUR EXAMPLE With the worldly holidays drawing close, we as Christians should remember that not only do we come to worship God on the Lord’s day, but to help encourage one another. We CAN’T do this if we’re dressing in worldly attire. By this I mean, we are to give God our best, just like in Matthew 22:8-13 where those allowed to come into the wedding, should’ve dressed for it. Matthew 22:8-13 8 Then he said to his servants, ‘The…

SOUND WORDS, DEC. 10, 2023

WHILE THE DOOR IS OPEN We’ve likely all been there, trying to get to that one store before the doors are locked, the sign is flipped, and our opportunity to get this or that has closed, having to be put off until the next day. I found myself in such a position not too long ago. The family and I were out of town, and needed to make a stop at the grocery store to get some water and snacks…


WHAT SAITH THE AUTHORITIES “Once while two Christians were discussing a Bible subject, one of them asked, “What do the authorities say about it?” No doubt he had in mind such things as lexicons, Bible dictionaries, historic, and geographic. Yet I feel that sometimes (though not with the one who raised the question) there is the all too prevalent attitude to depend on what men may say about a certain Bible subject or passage. It may be a lexicon; it…

SOUND WORDS, NOV. 26, 2023

DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS I was recently browsing the web for a product I was interested in, and I wanted to see how internet prices compared to the same or similar items I could purchase in store. Seeing an item that the wife and I were both happy with, I decided to be a responsible consumer and read the reviews. Reviews can oftentimes be a great help when questioning the quality of a product we have no way of seeing in person,…

SOUND WORDS, NOV. 19, 2023

CHRIST, EXAMPLE OF HUMILITY If anyone ever had a good reason not to be humble it was Jesus. He was superior in every way to everyone around Him and He had no fault or weakness of which to be ashamed. Yet, scripture holds Him before us as the ultimate example of humility.  Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by…
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