Sermons (Page 97)
I Didn’t Mean To – The Law of Unintended Consequences
“Sin will take you further than you intended to go, cost you more than you intended to pay, and keep you longer than you intended to stay.”
I Will Pray with the Understanding – Conclusion
I Will Pray with the Understanding – Conclusion View Part 1 Here Prayer has always been part of public worship. Prayers that are led in Christian assemblies must meet Biblical standards. 13 Therefore let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret. 14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. 15 What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the…
I will Pray with the Understanding
Prayer has always been part of public worship. Prayers that are led in Christian assemblies must meet Biblical standards.
High Maintenance Christians
High-maintenance Christians are those that require a lot of attention and energy from others. Like a ‘lemon’ car, they constantly need fixing and prodding to run. High-maintenance Christians, always seeking to have things done to and for them, drain the vitality of the church and other believers who are gracious and generous in providing encouragement and support. While it is a privilege to receive help from our fellow Christians, when excessive garnering of support becomes a manner of life, that person is not walking according to the Spirit of God.” (Vic Edwards, Are You a High Maintenance Christian?)
The Poor You have with You Always
Deut. 15:11 – “For the poor will never cease from the land; therefore I command you, saying, You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and your needy, in your land.”
Cleanse Me from Secret Sins
Secret sins are the most dangerous of all: 1. We often do not notice their presence 2. If we know of them, we easily rationalize them 3. If we have worked to keep them secret, we live in confidence that no one will find out and try to help us overcome them 4. Because they are secret, we have no one to protect us from them 5. They remain inside us, until like a hidden cancer in our body, they…
Greeting the Saints at Rome
Greeting the Saints at Rome. There are 35 names mentioned in Romans 16, addressing two different households and three churches meeting in homes. He includes “all the saints that are with them” so that no one is left out, but some are special to Paul as dear friends and exceptional workers. Paul acknowledges them because they have had an impact for good on him and his ministry. Perhaps we should do the same for those who have helped us. 11…
Lessons from the Bones
The bodies and bones of the dead are to be treated with respect. Treating the dead with disrespect is the equivalent of treating the living judgmentally; both presume God’s role as Judge.