Sermons (Page 101)
The Case for Boldness
Boldness be my friend!
Arm me, audacity, from head to foot! – IACHIMO (Cymbeline – Shakespeare)
Tertius of Iconium
Tertius of Iconium (also Tertios) acted as an amanuensis (a literary assistant, one who takes dictation or copies manuscripts) for Paul the Apostle, wrote down his epistle to the Romans
How Far Will I Go to Break with the World
While our bodies live in this world, and therefore we must interact with the world, we do so conformed to the image of Christ and not the world.
The Apostle Pauls Mother
A Godly Mother’s Legacy
“A gracious woman retains honor…” – Prov. 11:16
How Far Will I Go to Find Jesus
How far would you go for things you love?
How far would you go for the faith?
How much would you give up for Jesus?
While I Was Busy Here and There
Americans have a dangerous vice today: over-commitment, the tendency to commit to too many responsibilities and activities
This problem afflicts far too many Christians. If the Adversary cannot get us to do evil, he will get us to be too busy to do good.
How Can I Know When I Am Ready to be Baptized
Baptism is a central part of the faith.
Baptism is essential to salvation.
Open MY Eyes that I may See
Christians must walk by the same kind of faith, making choices in life to flee immorality and to pursue righteousness