
“‘Come now, let us reason together,’ Says the Lord” (Isaiah 1:18)

Location Details

Church of Christ, 341 Tomlinson Run Church Rd, Georgetown, PA 15043


Weekly Articles

SOUND WORDS, DEC. 15, 2024

CHURCH-GOD CENTERED OR MAN CENTERED Religion by its very definition would seem to involve God. The word godly means God-centered. However, there are those who practice a religion that is all about man rather than God. To say that such religion is godly is not to say that it is wicked, but simply that it is not centered in God. Jesus described such people in his day in the words of Isaiah: “These people draw near to me with their…


DID MY GENERATION NEGLECT THE GRACE OF GOD? I cannot understand how so many of the younger generation of preachers (sometimes encouraged by a few older ones) can talk about how woefully the generation before them neglected to tell people about the grace of God. They boldly speak about it as though it was a settled fact of history and that their generation is going to correct the matter by speaking more about grace and less about commandment keeping. As…


MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT THE BIRTH OF JESUS “Jesus was born on December 25th” If you were to ask most people in the world (be they religious or non-religious) “When was Jesus born?” After receiving a rather puzzled look they would probably tell you -“Well, December 25th, of course!” In fact, the Bible does not tell us a date upon which Jesus was born, and a little bit of calculation can show that it could not have been near that date at…

Come and Visit

What to expect when you visit with us…


Joe Blake

Joe Blake

Joe Blake serves as an elder at Tomlinson Run where he has attended since 1953. He began his service as a deacon in 1970 and as the treasurer. He and his wife Gay live in West Virginia near the farm where he grew up. He is active in visiting the sick in hospitals and in arranging for the congregation to send cards to those in need of encouragement. We appreciate his many years of service here and the wisdom those…
Ron Hennen

Ron Hennen

Ron Hennen serves as an elder and Bible class teacher at Tomlinson Run and has been very active over the years in the work here. He and his wife Laura live in Pennsylvania. He has been serving as an elder since 2003, and his service is deeply appreciated by the other elders and by the disciples who meet here.
Ken Fleeman

Kenneth Fleeman

Ken Fleeman serves as a elder and Bible class teacher at Tomlinson Run where he is also responsible for scheduling song leaders and singing services. He resides in Pennsylvania with his wife Michelle and is an experienced part time evangelist. We appreciate his calm, courteous manner and the depth of his experience.

Future Gospel Meetings

Andrew Roberts – Fall

Paul Blake – Spring
Tommy Peeler – Fall

Edwin Crozier – Spring
Antoine Holloway – Fall

Nathan Ward – Spring
Heath Rogers – Fall

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